Nathan and I have taken a few trips into the villages and quite a few trips into town.  It is only a 10 minute walk into town and there are lots of little “shops” a long the way.  Shopping is an adventure and a hunt!  Which I find kind of fun.  (Obviously this is Becca typing, Paul not only doesn’t like shopping, but having to hunt for something is his worst nightmare.  That is why he, my dad and probably most men would rather have Wal-mart where they can walk right in to what they need and leave).  They make a lot of things with clay and I have planted some herbs into a few pots that I got at a local store.  They were each 5 birr or about 50cents.

This is a picture of us visiting the home of Etagainu (pronounced like yet-again-you).  She works here on the compound and is known for making excellent homemade bread.  She has made bread for us once a week.  It is great.


This picture is of the view on the way to visit Etagainu.  The picture doesn’t do it justice.  It is so pretty walking up in the mountains.

 When we first got here we went to someone’s house for traditional Ethiopian coffee.  The coffee is great and she roasted the beans and then ground them and served coffee with sugar.

Here is also another picture of Jess.  She is holding a monkey that is a pet at a local foster home.  People are always wondering what sort of exotic animals we see in Africa.  Well here is one.  If you want to see Jess’ blog it is  She takes really good pictures. 


Well, that is a little bit about life around here.  There is so much more to say and to describe, but maybe that gives a glimpse of what it is like.